Tuesday 25 October 2005


I have added pictures to an entry of more than 6 months ago - 19th April 2005. On that day I reached the highest point on my Western Isles travels: 697 meters above sealevel. It was the summit of Teileasbhal / Teilasval in Harris. Apologies for the quality of the pictures, they were taken with a disposable camera. Go there using this link: http://journals.aol.co.uk/pharmolo/NorthernTrip/entries/1508


  1. Thank you so much for visiting my journal and leaving your good wishes. I see congratulations are in order to you too. Best of luck with the final vote.


  2. Congratulations on you Vivi award nomination and thanks so much for visiting my journal:)
    Isn't it always the way that you find yourself in the most breathtaking scenes with a throwaway camera? Happened to me too...I was in Paris and hanging over the wall of Pont Neuf, which flanks the Seine. I accidently dropped my camera in the river and had to use a disposable camera for the rest of the trip!
