Sunday 9 April 2006

Friday 07/04/06

Spend a torrid night with a crashing headache. Awake to say good-bye to the ladies, who are leaving for home today. I was to have gone to the Donald MacLeod Memorial Piping competition up at the Caberfeidh Hotel, but piping is liable to worsen a headache, so I abandon the idea. That paracetamol helps to sort the problem out though. A French fishingboat comes into port for a crew change, and leaves within 2 hours of arrival. At 1145, a heavy hailshower leaves a thick layer of ice, which takes some time to melt away. The Highland News at 12.54 reports that 2 geese were found dead in Lewis and the Uists, one was unwell, all with suspected birdflu. This comes in the wake of the confirmation that a swan found dead in Fife (Eastern Scotland) was carrying the deadly form of the avian flu virus H5N1. The wintery showers get worse as the afternoon progresses, steadily turning more to snow. Temperatures fall gradually towards freezing, and after 6pm it's snow only. It's quite heavy and settles. At sunset, 8.20, it leaves a nice picture of the Castle Grounds.

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