Tuesday 30 May 2006

Tropical Hurricane Season

The season for tropical hurricanes is upon us once more. At the moment, there are no active systems in the Atlantic, but the National Hurricane Center has warned of another very active season, like 2005. The USA can expect several major systems to come barrelling through, not just into the Gulf of Mexico, but also veering up the East Coast.

Atlantic Tropical Hurricanes can come to haunt the UK as well. Although they require seawater temperatures of 27C / 80F or over to be sustained in their intense state, their remnants regularly get incorporated in the North Atlantic jetstream. One such remains caused the October 1987 hurricane in southern England. It was an "ordinary" Atlantic depression, but with a nasty sting in its tail. Beware.

You can keep an eye on the storms (sic) by visiting http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/, which incorporates an RSS-feed. You can select which area of the world you want to have warnings for. Although some of the pages are quite technical, the advisories are in plain English.


  1. We got that '87 hurricane here in Brighton. The power of nature is just so awesome! I got caught in the one they had in Virginia, USA in 2003 too, I seem to attract them!! Luckily I managed to head off down to North Carolina before the roads got closed or washed away. Jeannette x

  2. I have kin folk around the NC coastline that have weathered out many a storm.  Hopefully this season won't be too hard on them.  


  3. Our country is still recovering from last season. I hope this year isn't too bad for us.
