This man is asleep in the middle of a railway track near Epsom, south of London. He had a near-fatal amount of alcohol to drink and decided to wander off a station platform and bed down on the tracks. Only problem is, the third rail (which carries 750V of electricity to the trains) was within 1 foot / 30 cms of his leg. One wrong move would have killed him.
Trains had to be diverted, four railwaylines were affected and the resulting delays cost the company £8,000. The drunken sleeper (sic) was fined £580 for obstructing the railway. He expressed deep remorse for his actions, which he did not remember.
Wow he's lucky he didn't get killed!
Oh...alcohol is such a wonderful drug. It wrecks homes, kills innocent people and causes people to do stupid things they wouldn't ordinarly do. Can you tell I'm not a drinker of alcohol? When I was married, it caused great heartache in our family. my knowledge..he's still drinking 20 some years later. Very sad. Linda in wild & windy Washington
ReplyDeleteThe man was very bad can it get...alcohol is a BAD, in the hands of some...take care!
What a story! That man must have had a wake up call from that near miss. I think I would have.
ReplyDeletePeople fall onto the tracks all the time here and one woman even jumped down from the platform to retrieve her coat and couldn't get back up in time because it was too high and the train was coming. I'm sure she is greatly missed. It was on the news last year. For a coat!
I don't drink alcohol. I can't understand anyone getting into this state and doing such a stupid thing! Jeannette xx