Sunday 22 January 2006

Friday 20/01/06

Morning dawns fairly bright with big showers, and a lower temperature. It's nicer than in Skye, which is plagued by heavy snow showers. The workmen finish the works outside, only need to fill in the ditch beside the kerb. I spend the morning checking grid references for some of the pictures I've taken. Mrs B's nephew comes to call, and he is very gloomy. His 13-year old dog has had to be put to sleep after a long illness. Although the animal was very old, it's nonetheless upsetting to be losing your pet. Go to the supermarket for a few bits, and encounter the phenomenon of the lady behind the wheel who really shouldn't be there. The light fades by 4.45, we're rapidly gaining daylight hours. Reports come in of a whale swimming in the river Thames in London. Somebody spotted it as he sat on a train, crossing over one of the bridges. It is a Northern Bottlenosed Whale, which normally feeds on squid in the deep Atlantic.

1 comment:

  1. Whales! I love whales! We do a lot of whale watching here on the Oregon coast every year. It's a highlight for us, to be sure.
