Thursday 2 November 2006

All Hallows

Aye, that's today. November 2nd, All Hallows. The Roman Catholics amongst us take time to remember those that went before us, those that died over the past 12 months. I am not a Roman Catholic, but respect that branch of Christianity as one of the great religions of this world, alongside Judaism and Islam.

When I was 20, I was invited to attend a lecture by a representative of Opus Dei. This is a very strict Jesuite order, close to the Pope. The fundamentals of Roman Catholicism were explained to me, and I decided that I could not follow that creed. However, some of my best friends over the years were RC, so no problems there.

Two things I have to mention related to J-land.

Voting has started for the actual VIVI Awards. Jackie has opened the polls. Full instructions in her latest entry. You have until November 6th to cast your vote. You can only vote once; duplicate ballots will be discarded. The results will be announced in a chat on November 11th.

Kellen is thinking about the 4th Journals Tournament. He wants to have about 15 competitors on that occasion, and is looking for feedback, ideas, etc. I thoroughly enjoyed taking part, and would recommend it to anyone. Why not pop round at the Journals Tournament.


  1. I'm a non-practicing Catholic.  But, I still like the traditions that they have.  
    Thanks for the reminder on the Vivi's.  I'll be voting tomorrow.  Off to work today.  Have a good one.

  2. I am not Catholic, but do respect them greatly, as I do all "true religions" meaning those that are NOT cults. Have friends in all relgions so I understand what you are saying. :)
    I went early & cast my votes! Got that out of the way. Good luck to you on your nominations.
    Have a lovely day.

  3. Hi this is the first time that I have found your journal. thanks it is lovely and have added it to my list. I live in the South West of England now but was born and brought up in a village near Edinburgh best friends have  a house on Mull Glorious spot.  Sybil
