Thursday 2 November 2006

Autumn colours

Walked around the town this afternoon, looking for autumn colours. Had a job seeing any that would jump out at me. The Castle Grounds is Stornoway's park, but this autumn, the leaves seem to drop off the trees green, rather than turn a pretty colour first. Nonetheless, hope you all enjoy this little selection. I include a pic or two from yesterday's sunset. Today's was just drab and grey.

Visibility today was fantastic; the Applecross Mountains, 45 miles southeast of here, stood out as if they were just down the coast. On a clear day, if I go to Holm Point, 3 miles south of here, I can make out mountains in the far south of the Isle of Skye, which are a staggering 75 miles / 120 km from here. You'll see in the picture that the mountains appear to float above the horizon. This is due to refraction in the atmosphere.

Technical footnote: maximise your screen when viewing this journal.

Sunset 1 November

Sunset 1 November

Leaves falling from the trees


Distant hills of Applecross


Lews Castle from the Inner Harbour

Cuddy Point

I think this is a redshank


  1. Oh my, that castle is so beautiful. I just love the pictures you post..thank you for sharing your part of the world with us.  Glad you were able to get out and walk's raining here in Washington state today and about 44 degrees.   Linda in Washington  

  2. All the photos are beautiful and the castle does show a bit of color is in the woods that surround it....have a great evening...take care...

  3. Thanks for sharing the photos. They're great. Here in West Texas the leaves are just changing.  Have a good Friday.

  4. Lovely photos Guido,

    It is a shame that Autumn hasn`t produced very much colour this year though.  I`d be hard pressed to find anything worth seeing.  You have some very dramatic skies, I`m sure you never get tired of looking at them. :o)

    Sandra xxxx

  5. lovely photos guido...I love rich autumn colours, they are my favourites...


  6. my golly, your photos are breathtaking.  loved the sunset photos, but i liked the grey day as well - gives them a black and white look that is appealing.

    thanks for stopping by my journal, and you were right in your comment. safety tips apply to both men and women.


  7. i love your pics, Guido!

  8. Beautiful pictures, especially the rose hips (used to drink rose hips tea a lot!); gorgeous sunsets over the water, too.

  9. Well, these photos are quite a contrast. The photo of the castle was startling to me, but is more like photos of Scotland I was used to seeing, and not much else. Not that I saw many of those either. I have been trying to get in mind the terrain just from seeing your pictures.  Now this photo of the castle took me in another direction!

  10. I love the sun streaming through the clouds and castles too...
    Linda :)
