Saturday 4 November 2006

Fireworks displays

Tomorrow is November 5th, Guy Fawkes night. Briefly, this is the anniversary of the 17th century gunpowder plot, in which Guy Fawkes and a band of conspirators had intended to blow up Parliament in London. Kate has done an excellent series of entries on that event, so I'll just link to that.

Tonight will be the main occasion for putting on fireworks displays; it is frowned upon to have that sort of thing on a Sunday. Many people in the UK will set off their own fireworks, and I hope it will be safe. I wrote an entry on firework safety on October 19.
Anyone building a bonfire should check for animals, or make sure that none can gain access to the pile before lighting it.

The pictures below were taking during a New Year's Eve fireworks display on December 30th (no typo) last year. I have found no announcement of a Guy Fawkes fireworks display or bonfire in the islands.


  1. I don't like fireworks, I think they're dangerous but the photos were very pretty! Jeannette xx  

  2. Pics are beautiful. I like watching but not listening to them. LOL
    Have a nice wkend. :)

  3. Ooh, I love fireworks, although I've never heard of Guy Fawkes night. Guess I'll head over to Kate's and read about it.

    Take care, and enjoy your Saturday!


  4. Loved your photos. Here in Dundee the big display will be in Baxter Park tomorrow evening. Guess the Dundonians are not worried about doing a display on a Sunday!

  5. I congratulate you on some of the best photos of fireworks I have ever seen! That third photo looks like some new exotic flower.  Very impressive.  Gerry
