Monday 6 November 2006

Mission Statement

In the sidebar of this blog, you'll find a mission statement, which I drew up in May 2006. As ever in life, things change. I have not recently ventured much beyond the confines of Stornoway, and kept myself occupied reading alerts. A bit too many, and I'll start a reduction exercise shortly. I'll keep a number of alerts going, and catch up with others on a weekly basis.

I write about local and regional news, which means anything from the Western Isles and northern Scotland. I also blog about major world news events, such as yesterday's verdict on Saddam Hussein. I indulge my weather interest by relaying warnings by the various hurricane centres around the world.

I am in a unique area of the UK, and one that has links around the globe. During the 19th century, thousands were expelled or otherwise encouraged to leave the Highlands and Islands. This is known as the Highland Clearances. The Seallam! Genealogy Centre at Northton, Harris, displays a map. On it, pins have been placed to indicate locations from where genealogy queries had been submitted. Papua New Guinea was one of the most esoteric and unexpected locations.


  1. I know what you mean about the number of alerts. I struggle to read them all too. But i do try to visit everyone at least once in the week,

  2. I had to cut down on alerts, now I only read and comment on those that are regular visitors to me.  Seems a bit unkind and I hated doing it but where do you draw the line.  At one time I had around 200 journals on alert and was literally getting swamped.  In the end I found it started to worry me, it became a chore rather than a pleasure so I keep it within bounds these days.

  3. You can spend too much time on the computer it can get quite addictive! I`m like jeanette I came up in the same way too it`s the only way to do it.
    bella xx

  4. I get swamped with alerts. It's not always the number but I work between eight and ten hours a day and haven't a hope of reading them all and having a life! Jeannette xx  

  5. good enrty Guido! I know that yuo try hard ot be ageat representative of where you live there as well. Cheers!

  6. a great representative...
