Friday 3 November 2006

Unusual request

A few days ago, I flagged up a new journal, called Circle of Love. It is about a lady, Faith, whose friend Riss is undergoing chemotherapy treatment for multiple myeloma. The chemotherapy, as can be expected, is having the usual very harsh effects, which is very distressing for both Riss and Faith - and again, it's Faith doing the blogging about it.

I am aware that several readers have undergone chemo themselves, or have friends or relatives who have experience that way.

Can I ask those to nip over to the journal and offer whatever support or encouragement you can?

Many thanks.


  1. I went on your last pimp, she was so sweet to return the visit. {{ }}

  2. Just dropping by with a special thank you.
    Your kindness is greatly appreciated, Thx again from , Faith and Riss

  3. thanks Guido
