Friday 27 April 2007

Ness pictures

Have included pictures of my short walk in Ness, North Lewis, with this post. Found 14 Iolaire graves in Ness cemetery, which was located on a hillside and littered with stones. And snails. Walked parallel to the coastline north to the next village, Eoropie, and visited a very old chapel there. That is, walked round the outside. The doors were locked. St Moluag was a follower of St Columba, who is reputed to have brought Christianity to Western Scotland.


  1. love that last picture with the days laundry out to dry!  :-D

    and SHEEP!  (I've no idea why I like sheep..LOL)


  2. Gosh that was a lovely way to spend the aftrenoon. What a lovely day you have had. I did wonder if the surfers were a bit seems to be still a bit on the cold side up with you.  Been nice here this afternoon though was cloudy and colder this morning. Mary and I went into Bath and it was quite breezy  Love Sybil x

  3. I enjoyed your slide show Guido.  The celandines, white tailed bumblebee, snails, rabbits and birdlife photos are smashing!  I was puzzled by the fields of barbed wire....why so much?  Were the small stones jutting out of the ground placed there or are they just a result of weathered earth?  What a beautiful blue sky day and the coast line is to die for!  Don't fancy surfing though...those rollers are too strong looking for me to venture any deeper than my ankles...Lol!  Thanks for these I enjoyed the views.  
    p.s/  I got my Island Brochure today with all the ferry timetables for the various island off the coast of Scotland. Watch this space.............

  4. This was a very nice collection of pictures. You know a lot of them would make really lovely post cards.  Any way you could make a little money that way?

  5. You got some great shots. I love those lambs and also the pictures of the beach and ocean waves. Helen

  6. I always love when you go on one of your excursions and share the sights with us. What a beautiful day you had. That town is just lovely!  I would love to live on the coast like that.  So peaceful!
    Thanks for sharing them.

  7. Nice Guido,you get paid to do this??LOL :-) I love visiting old churches-not many in South Africa, but have been to UK twice and my favourite (apart from old village chapels of course) was Salisbury! PS Thought the doors were locked to your chapel???How'd you get in? Heehee

  8. Once again I am in awe of the beauty of your country. Your pictures definately awaken a yearning in me to want to visit and explore the countryside. (Hugs) Indigo

  9. Guido
    When you posted and said you wre going to Ness, I commented for you not to forget your camera.  You did not disapoint!  Great pictures!  The country in this region is beautiful, I love the shots of the sand dunes and the beach.  

    The farm houses overlooking the ocean paints a beautiful picture for the mind to ponder.  There was a movie shot many years ago based on the novel, "Far From The Madding Crowd."  This scenery was reminiscent to me of the scenery in the movie.  I wonder if it was shot in these parts?

  10. The photos are just lovely....the town beautiful...I enjoy your outings so much...thanks for sharing...

  11. Thank you for the tour of Ness... and another stroll along the beach... I realized the other day that it has been more than a year, maybe almost two since we have been to the beach...
    Linda :)
