Sunday 5 November 2006

Autumn images

Some pictures that I took November 3rd and 4th. The weather is not inviting outside forays, today is grey, windy and cold. The wind is a westerly, force 5 gusting to force 7. It's 3.30pm, and I'm tempted to switch on the lights. Sunset not for another hour. By the way, anybody living near the sea: watch out for a big tide tonight. Ours comes in at 5.3m, 18 ft. That's big.


Friday morning

Friday lunchtime


Friday morning

Friday morning

Autumn leaves


  1. You captured Autumn so well...thanks for sharing a part of where you live with all of us,

  2. Winter weather anywhere north is just awful sometimes.  Right now here in western Washington where I live it's 7:50 am and the weather is calm, no sun however...and it's 50 degrees.  Yesterday was horrible; windy, pouring rain and the grocery store was full of cranky people.  After loading groceries into the car, unloading them at the house..I felt like I'd just gotten out of the shower.  It continued like that until very late last night.  This morning's weather report predicts 2-4 inches of rain this afternoon and flood warnings have been issued for several rivers in my area.  Fortunately, I live on high ground so don't have to worry about flooding.  Have a warm & toasty rest of your Sunday.   Linda in wet Washington state

  3. Great photos. Very autumnal here on the east coast too!

  4. Great photos Guido, we have been very lucky as our skies have been very clear and blue the last few days.  It`s been very cold though.  I hope the tide isn`t too bad tonight.

    Sandra xx

  5. Very nice... woke up to fog this morning, making for a grey day...
    Linda :)

  6. Love your pictures.  I have to say that our autumn leaves looked much like yours this year.  No brilliance to them at all.  Now, we have none as the winds blew them away last weekend.  Stay warm.  Chris

  7. lovely pics...

