Sunday 5 November 2006

Homeopathy: my opinion

I had to stress in the header of this post that the following is purely my personal opinion, as based on a scientific foundation. I do not ask anybody to agree or disagree, or change their perception on account of what I write. If you use homeopathy and find it's beneficial: do not change anything. By the way, I am going to get very scientific. Be warned.

The last line of the first paragraph gave a broad hint what I think of homeopathy. The idea behind it is that by repeatedly diluting a stock solution of an entity, you strengthen its potency. This entity will be selected to reflect, in its UNdiluted form, the affliction from which you suffer.

So, a solution is made in 70% alcohol. This is diluted 1 part in 10 parts of said 70% alcohol. This dilution will be carried out a requisite number of times. This number of dilutions, referred to as (e.g.) D30, D100 etc, reflects the potency. D100 is reckoned to be more potent than D30.

Right. Let's now look at the laws of chemistry and physics.
Take salt. Good old tablesalt, the variety you put on your egg or in the pan where your potatoes are boiling. A scientist from years gone by, Avogadro, calculated that the number of molecules in 58 grams of salt is 6.02 times 10 to the power of 23. I.e., 602. Or thereabouts. Those who know about chemistry will be familiar with molecular weights, and that NaCl (salt) has a molecular weight of 58. Each compound in nature has its molecular weight, and the number of molecules in each molecular weight in grams is the same. That big long number. 18 grams of water has the same number of molecules in it as 58 grams of salt, or 32 grams of oxygen, or 200 grams of gold.

Now, if you take 58 grams of salt, dissolve it in water and start to dilute it 1:10, your solution will contain, after diluting it 23 times, the grand total of 6 molecules of salt. Homeopathy goes beyond that. Diluting 30 times, 60 times even 100 times. If you dilute something 1:10 and do that 100 times, you are looking at a phenomenal piece of mathematics. In order to find 1 molecule of salt, you need to be scanning 10 to the power of 77 bottles. How many? That's a big long number.

Now, I can tell you that in order to work, most medicines need a fair few of their active molecules to be knocking about. Some 10 to the power of 15 at the very least. Homeopathy blithely states that 10 to the power of minus 77 will be more potent than 10 to the power of 15? [unprintable remark].

I realise that I have probably lost most of my readers here, but I found it an important point to make, as I feel quite strongly about this.


  1. Yep, you got way over my head. LOL. I understand a little of what homeopathy means and that is about it. Helen

  2. HUH ???????? But then again I'm blond.   Linda in Washington state

  3. Am totaly lost ,.,.,Jan xx

  4. I totally agree with you - well said!

  5. I agree with IF IT WORKS FOR YOU, USE IT! Which is basically what you said in your first paragraph. And I more than respect your thoughts & beliefs.
    I more or less believe the same, however...having been a nurse for 30 yrs, I've seen some patients use homeopathy & swear by it. Thinking maybe it's the individual, & the ailment?

  6. I've never used homeopathic treatments. I know the queen uses them but I prefer to stick to the tested drugs we use. Jeannette xx  

  7. LOL...trying to keep up, Guido.  My oldest, the microbiologist, is totally fasinating and printing this to use in a paper she is writing.  I'm not sure what I feel about homeopathy except some swear by it and do seem to reap benefits.  May be mind over matter.  But then again, the US is also drug happy and feeds the pharmaceutical companies huge rewards.  Must be a happy medium somewhere.  Chris

  8. I agree with Chris that there should be a balance.  I'm not a fan of homeopathy, but if you try something, and it works for you, then you should use it.  I have a respect for pharmaceuticals, and rely on one in particular to make my life easier.  I'm not a fan of the big pharmaceutical companies, though.  You actually counted out 77 zeros, didn't you???  (I counted them to make sure, lol)

  9. dear Guido
    I take Zicam nose treatment drops for my allergies. You know what? theyare much more effective than the ones I can get on prescription!(theyare lsited as homopathic! explain please!:)
