Sunday 5 November 2006

Verdict: death

Saddam Hussein, the former dictator of Iraq, has been sentenced to death by hanging. Although an appeal is likely to be lodged, this is equally likely to be doomed to failure. The death sentence was handed down on account of a massacre of 148 people in a Shia dominated town, following an attempt on Saddam's life in 1982.

The former dictator looked shocked on hearing his verdict, but shouted defiance to the court. Other officials were also sentenced to death; a number received lengthy prison sentences.

The trial has been beset by controversy, allegations of government and US interference and frequent changes of judges. The verdict is not likely to make an improvement in the current situation in Iraq.


  1. It's really sad Guido, but this verdict really means little.

  2. I agree with Donna...this is not over...appeals and sad.  Take care...have a great Sunday...looking for some photos of your beautiful area...

  3. I suppose the appeals etc with just drag on and on.

    Sandra xx

  4. Unfortunately this is not the end, I feel.
    I only hope there is not too much of a backlash on the innocent.
    Have a nice day.

  5. He looks like Trigger from Only Fools and Horses to me! Jeannette xx  

  6. If Saddam really was surprised, then he was the only one!  Yes, it will drag out for a bit, I'm sure.  But the verdict will remain the same.

  7. it meant alot for the Shiites! It's just that the Sunnis (his tribe)are angry over it  at his home town area.
    I thought that the Iraquis' idea of splitting their country on political lines (tribal lines) was the best idea I've heard yet and it si the real issue
