Thursday 9 November 2006

Gales forecast

Ardnamurchan Point to Cape Wrath including the Outer Hebrides
Strong wind warning 1648 Thu 09 Nov 0600 Fri 10 Nov

Southerly winds will increase to force 6 or 7 this evening, and will further increase to gale force 8 after midnight, locally reaching severe gale force 9 around the Outer Hebrides.

Inshore waters forecast 1700 Thu 09 Nov 1700 Fri 10 Nov
24 hour forecast:
Wind South veering west 4 or 5, increasing 6 to gale 8.
Weather Occasional rain.
Visibility Moderate or good.
Sea State Moderate to rough becoming very rough to high.
Outlook for the following 24 hours:
Wind West 7 to severe gale 9.
Weather Squally showers.
Visibility Good.
Sea State Very rough to high, occasionally very high in west.

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