Thursday 26 October 2006

Images of the day

The focus today was on the weather, as I mentioned in the few entries I did earlier on. The sequence below shows what happened this afternoon. From a grey, wet start at around 2pm to fairly bright after 4pm. The worst of the weather is now in Shetland and northeastern Scotland. Roads impassible, the North Highland Line blocked at Helmsdale, between Inverness and Thurso, and several feet of floodwater still sloshing around in various places.

The ferry was cancelled today

Sun came out mid afternoon

And even some blue sky


  1. Sounds as if you all had quite a bit of rain. What a difference a few hours makes. Helen

  2. Hi its kerryanne from kerrys chaos im so sorry but i have only just got finnished adding everyones links to my journal. Can i ask you some thing do you live in Scotland? Just wondered as my family come from there. (Glasgow) Anyway sorry about the weather, Good pictures though!!! And a big thanks to you for all your comments to my journal and for thinking of me during the time i lost ,my daughter Laila x

  3. Wow you're having a heck of a time out there with the weather. Stay safe.

  4. Sun is shining here with just a bit of a breeze... will be in the 80's this weekend.... don't worry though in just a couple of months will be gray and foggy til spring.... I do hope we get some thunderstorms this winter though. the weather men are always teasing me it is going to rain and we get just a sprinkle...
    Thanks for sharing the pictures.
    Stay dry!
    Linda :)

  5. LOVE these photos! so pretty!!

  6. We've had weird weather today. This morning I went to work in sunshine, it was really hot out with people walking around in sun tops. Then by afternoon it had turned grey and wet. When it got dark the sky cleared and it was freezing walking home! Jeannette xx

  7. Wow! my favorite picture was that last one Guido! take care not to get a cold!

  8. What a striking photo that first one is, with the color.  Then the next two I just love, too. I am so glad you are posting them this way so I get to see them, as I think you are a remarkable photographer.   Gerry
