Sunday, 1 April 2007

Everything's up to date...

No, I'm not in Kansas City, that's why I've cut the title of this post short. It's a cold evening here, with the full moon shining down. Not a breath of wind (it does happen in the Western Isles). Just finished going through the 86 alerts I still had outstanding since last Friday.

Jeannette (Travels) and Jeannette (Jottings) both needed an emergency doctor over the weekend, and in both instances the service let them down. Fortunately, nurses and pharmacists to the rescue.

Spent the afternoon transferring images to CD, and found I could fit them on 7 CDs instead of 8. Other stuff also found its way onto there, so all is a little more organised in terms of files.

Either tonight or tomorrow you can expect diary entries from me from March 21st until today. Not all that riveting, but this blog started off as an on-line diary, so better stick to the remit.


  1. that swollen tongue worries me! I have never heard of such a thing. It is beautiful, for once,in Ohio. Breezy,warm and sunny.
    Take care!

  2. I read both... so sad that that healthcare 'industry' treats folks with so little concern.  GRRRRRRRRR

  3. I know all to well how idiotic health care workers can be. Happy to hear you where able to find some time to get things organized. As for hearing about you, I find your life rather interesting and look forward to it. (Hugs) Indigo

  4. We are off to see Bryan's ENT doctor this morning.  I hope to get our point of view of how he was treat across to his doctor...if Bryan will let me go in with him that is...  I did not like how he was just dumped out of hospital recently when he wasn't ready to leave. The NHS is going to the dogs.  All they can think of is shorter stays in hospital to shorten their waiting lists.  Who cares once people are out on their own?   Poor awful for her too!   Jeanie

  5. Our out of hours doctor service leaves a lot to be desired. Thank goodness we have pharmacies open on Sunday to discuss our problems! The evenings are still cold here but days are warm and sunny. Have a good week! Jeannette xx  
