The Japanese whaling fleet which has been out in the Antarctic has failed to meet its target of numbers of whales killed. Because of disruption by Greenpeace and other environmentalists, they 'only' managed to harpoon 550 out of a quota of 850. Japan claims this is needed for research purposes. Everyone else says killing whales for research is not necessary, and the creatures are killed for Japanese palates.
Last year, a statue was erected at Helmsdale, northeast Scotland, in commemoration of those who had been cleared from Sutherland to settle elsewhere. Scotland's First Minister, Alex Salmond, hailed the artwork as a tribute to those Scots who had made their mark overseas. At the time, and to date, this remark sticks in my craw. If the people of Strath Kildonan made such a fantastic contribution overseas, why weren't they allowed to do that at home? Anyway, more such statues will be erected around the world, like in Winnipeg, Canada.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not seeking to demean the achievements of emigrants. It is just the way they were kicked off their land that gets me a wee bit hot under the collar.
i think it is WONDERFUL that the Japanese did not meet their quota.
ReplyDeleteI'm thrilled to hear the japanese did not meet their quota...everyone knows they are spewing rubbish about the research. I hope the organizations continue to disrupt them & make it difficult for them.
YAY for Greenpeace!!
salmonds remark just falls into the soundbite category. for someone so devoted to his country he's as slippery as his namesake.