Friday, 11 July 2008

Technical advice

If you hear of any people suddenly losing Internet access after July 8th who are using a ZoneAlarm firewall, please tell them to access the Net from a different PC (one that does NOT use ZA) to view this advice.

Apparently, a Windows update clashes with ZoneAlarm, causing it to deny all Internet access. Basically, the best thing to do is to un-install the update (through Add Programs on your Control Panel). It does NOT apply to Windows Vista.


  1. The link isn't working.  I have zone alarm and windows has just updated!!!!  I hope that doesn't mean i won't be able to get on line next time.
    Jenny <><

  2. Thanks for the advice it caught out my daughter and without what you said we wouldn't have known what the trouble was.  I updated my zonealarm just in time.
    Jenny <><
