Monday, 8 September 2008


At 13.46 BST on Thursday, I shall be posting my memorial for Norberto Hernandez. It will be 7 years to the day, hour and minute that the first plane hit the World Trade Center in New York. Norberto perished in the subsequent fire and collapse of the Twin Towers, alongside with some 3,000 others.

Lest we forget.


  1. Guido, is it o.k. to re-post one that you have already done. I took part in the project and would like to re-post that entry.  But I worry that as people have read it before they will not be interested.

  2. This is the 3rd time I am reposting Norberto's memorial. I have cleared this with the manager for project 2996. The fact that you are posting in the first place matters most.

    (copied by email to jeanno43)

  3. I'll be posting my memorial entry again too. Since last year, I've found out more about the lady that I remember.  All those families probably have already started reliving that awful day in their minds.  Linda in WA

  4. I didn't realize the project was going on this year.  I'll be looking forward to reading any and all entries.  I know that is one day that I will never ever forget.  Chris

  5. I remember the details of that horrible day vividly.  
