Wednesday, 13 September 2006

Choices - addendum

The point made by the post headed Choices is that nobody is perfect, and that he who appears to be perfect is a monster. Appearances may belie the man.

It is an exercise in hypotheses, I suppose. And to be honest, and on reflection: pointless.


  1. He who appears to be perfect is a monster.  Yup....I've learned that one from dating! <NOT kidding either>

  2. I agree to that as well! I see it all the time! Very sad as well. Especially when they try too hard to others that they are living a life of perfection, when we all know better!

  3. Wouldn't say it's pointless, tho.  We worship one because it has beauty, alas I would rather worship none, were that the case, for beauty cannot be seen upon a face.  I feel a bit of prose coming on, going back to my J and tap it out.  Thanks again G.  xoxo CATHY    
