Sunday, 15 October 2006

Loss of an unborn child

Mandy (mmartinez07) wrote an entry earlier today which should bring some comfort to those amongst us who have suffered the agony of losing an unborn child. Check it out. Although the legislation she points to is obviously only applicable in the USA, it's the sentiments that count.


  1. I will go and visit.

  2. She did a beautiful job, I wrote an entry on it too.

  3. Thank you Guido. This is turning out to be a very emotional day. I have received numerous emails from women who were not aware of October 15, nor were they aware of the support that is available.

    Please note that October 15 is NOT only for the USA. Congress just passed it for us, but there have been ceremonies in the UK for Pregnancy and Infant Loss. I do not have much info on the progress of the cause in the UK, but the following link which is our newsletter also has the UK Ceremonies listed. There is a lot of info listed, so it's necessary to scroll down a bit to reach the listings. I hope this helps. :)   Newsletter:

    Hugs, Mandy ~

  4. Thanks for sending us to that journal. Having been there myself that was very interesting. I left a comment about myself. Helen
