Monday, 2 July 2007

Four years of J-land

I think the best way to celebrate the 4th anniversary of J-land would be to hold a chat, in our very own chatroom. I can't remember the exact date, and neither can I promise to be able to host it myself. I take note of the misgivings expressed, perhaps not in so many words, by one or two people. If anyone is prepared to make a nice tag, that might be an idea.

Thinking of J-land related activity, I personally think we could do without the VIVI awards in 2007, bearing in mind the nastiness that has surrounded them in '05 and '06. We do have a J-land Convention in the pipeline for March 2008.


  1. Guido, let me know if any tagger makes a tag, those are nice to have and display. Shhh, even muttering the word VIVI may get some riled up. lol


  2. The trouble with chat rooms is the time factor it varies so much from here to America and even in different states.  Also there will be those away on holiday.   I think a nice sidebar graphic would suit everybody because nobody would get left out.  I will check out the date if I can.

  3. Guido, it is the 21st August the J-Land anniversary.

  4. A graphic would be nice and we could of course do out own entrys saying what J-Land means to us Jan xx

  5. How to celebrate a 4th anniversary?  Let's all promise not to be unnecessarily cruel ~ no award needed, just Peace of mind. ~Mary

  6. The Chat sounds good, but i hope you host it.I will not give reasons because you would laugh. The Vivi awards did Jland a lot of Damage.If there was one this year i think people would boycott it. I know i would for a fact.
    love and hugs

  7. Yes, a nice tag and a chat! How nice! :o) Now thats a great idea! :o)

  8. Well, August 21st for a chat?   Or, sometime that week, or?   I didn't realize that there was an actual anniversary for this community.  Peace is always a good goal.
    -- Robin

  9. An excellent idea Guido, just tell me when.


  10. I agree with you on the Vivi's - someone's feelings always get hurt.

    be well,

  11. I agree about the Vivi's although I'm relatively new this year myself I heard enough to be convinced they won't be missed. As for a chat....hate to say it but the overall outlook among a few J-landers is still biting to say the least. I can see some of them refusing to join th chat on the notion someone else would be present.
    Given that, what if we all made a journal entry on that day in honor of J-land and what it meant to us? (Hugs) Indigo
