Thursday, 21 June 2007

Osprey breeding season ends in failure

The ospreys with the interesting love life, which I reported on a few weeks ago, have not managed to successfully raise a brood this season. Female osprey EJ managed to produce a third clutch of eggs off her mate Henry, and they all hatched. The first chick died. At first it was suggested that was killed because Henry stood on it. CCTV footage exonorated the bird, as the chick was already dead when Henry trampled it. The other two chicks have now also died, bringing the breeding season at the Boat of Garten sanctuary to an unsuccessful close.


  1. I suppose its called the survival of the fittest but its such a shame they didn't survive Guido.   Poor wee angels!  Jeanie

  2. I'm glad Henry had nothing to do with it, I remember how he was tossing eggs from the nest before which weren't his. Let's hope he has better luck next year. Jeannette xx  

  3. What a sad bit of news. Hopefully they will have better luck next year. (Hugs) Indigo

  4. What a shame.

  5. That is bad news, I hope next season  will ring happier news. Are Osprey endangered species? I would have loved to have seen them on webcam.
    love and hugs
