Tuesday 23 May 2006

Sunday 21/05/06

Sunny morning with the odd shower. The Germans are going to Harris today. Yesterday, they did not return until 11pm. The two workmen are staying over for the weekend. On BBC 1 Landward they discuss the South Uist community buy-out, as well as off-road biking on SSSI [Sites of Special Scientific Interest], which can land you with a £40,000 fine. It's not warm, barely above 10C. I walk out to Goat Island with no coat on, brr. There is this cold northwesterly wind. Mrs B's grandson and one of his mates go out in a dinghy, which requires continual bailing. Mrs B herself wants her grass cut, but that may have to wait. Good hay harvest though from there LOL. One of the workmen comes back from an afternoon on the town, just a  wee bit the worst for wear. Mrs B has to switch his telly off, it's on at full blast.


  1. You went out without a coat on?!! We have sun for the first time in almost two weeks. Jeannette x

  2. Oh these work men !!........Jan xx

  3. Everything looks so clean and fresh where you are at!  I would love it! Blue skies, clear water.  Lovely!
