The public has been advised to be cautious not to contract tick-borne diseases during the forthcoming summer season. Illnesses such as Lyme's disease are on the increase, possibly as a result of global warming. Although easily treatable with antibiotics, Lyme's disease can be fatal. Prevention being better than cure, advice is given to avoid ticks, and also what to look out for.
Strongly recommend this article on the BBC website, with a caveat that I do not know what the situation is in other parts of the world.
VERY important message...glad you are getting this out. Have a great day...
Thank you for the info.....yes, we have the same problems over here too.
I seem to attract ticks Guido. I only need to go in our garden for them to latch on to me. And yet Bryan misses out and has never had one. I reckon our local deer spread them around. I had one only last week which I smothered with 'New Skin'. This is an antiseptic liquid which seals over cuts etc like an elastoplast. In my case it smothers the tick and when I peel the covering off, the tick comes too without leaving its mouth behind. They are horrible things! Jeanie
ReplyDeleteI have read all the information and perhaps I am doing the wrong thing using the 'New Skin' Guido. The trouble is I can't see up close to pull them off my skin. I will have to use a magnifying glass....thanks for the timely warning. I shall buy plenty of spray for my hols...Jeanie
ReplyDeleteUgly little critters. I have to be extra careful in the woods and double check Pickles fur every time we are out and about. (Hugs) Indigo
ReplyDeleteBTW, many sufferers end up with life-long reminders of having contracted Lyme disease, even if treated with heavy antibiotics, etc. Just depends. Ticks like hairy places, too, and I'm sure it's all in the BBC link. Interesting if there is a global warming relation to this. -- Robin yes again lol