Sunday, 3 June 2007

A few more Sunday notes

A man had to be taken to hospital in Germany, after he fell from a 4th storey balcony during a spitting contest with his son. As he leaned forward to outspit the lad, the man lost his balance and fell. He landed on a 1st storey balcony and was taken to hospital.

A man from Poland has woken up after being in coma for 19 years. A bit of a shock to the system for the 65-year old. The communists were no longer in power, and the shops bulging with goods.

Tropical cyclone Gonu is going to strike the sultanate of Oman on Wednesday. Judging by the imagery on Google Earth, the point of impact will be in empty desert. Masirah Island could experience some of its effects. Judging by the history of cyclones in this area, Oman gets one every couple of years; this appears to be the first hurricane-force one in some time.


  1. A spitting contest ?!?  What's this world coming to?   We heard about the man in Poland on the local news.  I guess he woke up to find he had 11 grandkids among other things.   What a miracle, I hope he has no residual effects of being in a coma for that long of a time.  Linda in sunny Washington

  2. Life always surprises us, yes?  One woman woke up after 8 years speaking fluent Spanish.  She'd never spoken a word of it before, but she said she could "hear" the orderlies when they'd clean the room talking in Spanish.  Her brain somehow rewired to "teach" itself the language, what a world, eh?  Thanks for dropping by with such kind words.  xoxo CATHY    

  3. I can only assume the German mans' wife just looked at him and shook her head.  Heh..

    What a shock, indeed, for the Polish man....I can't imagine what he must be feeling...


  4. What a disgusting thing to teach your children. No sympathy needed there. I can bet it was a shock for the polish man but just think of the shock he must have given his family amazing!!
    love and hugs

  5. Yuck!  To the spitting contest.  He got his 'just deserts' I suppose.  But I'm glad he didnt die.
    Fancy waking up after such a long time.  How sureal that must have been for  the Polish man.  I bet his family celebrated but he would hardly recognise them.  It's a strange world for sure.   Jeanie

  6. I cannot imagine someone waking up after that long. How disoriented he must have been. And the guy doing the spitting contest...well I'm just glad he didn't die. I can't imagine doing that sort of activity with my son. LOL!
    Have a good day

  7. A spitting contest?  Yeuck!  It must have been a shock to the man`s system waking after after so long, there have been so many changes in the world.

    Sandra xx

  8. The faith his family must of had to even keep up his medical care for 19 years. Goes to show you never know. He may need to learn the world all over, but he can also give us a hint as to what goes on in the mind all that time. (Hugs) Indigo

  9. I think it's fantastic that the man in the coma woke up after so many years.  As for the German in the spitting contest with his son, well, I wonder how much he'd been drinking before he fell off the balcony?
