Saturday, 2 June 2007

Saturday notes

We've had our one day of summer: Saturday has dawned overcast, windy and now wet. Temperatures are at 14C, rather a lot down on the 18C we had yesterday at this time.
I'll be starting a big catch-up with diary entries; I'm about 6 weeks behind. However, I have decided to shift focus to pictures, and may add a few notes here and there to give a little flesh to the bones of images.

The Northern Hemisphere hurricane season has kicked off with a vengeance, with no less than THREE tropical storms around. I have highlighted Barry and Barbara, as they affect land; the Arabian Sea has a system with the poetic name of 02A, which is heading northwest from a point some 400 miles southwest of Mumbai, India. It does not affect land.

Did I say that the Dutch TV programme, which would give a kidney to the winner of a contest was a hoax? Pretty sick, even if it was a hoax.


  1. Sorry it's wet up there again, we have bright sunshine and it's 68F already! Have a good weekend. Jeannette xx  

  2. Hope to get some much needed rain from Barry, tomorrow for us.  Hope your weekend is the best...take care

  3. Oopps sorry about that.  We feel that way here in Washington some years too.  It's sunny here again this morning, still cool but I think it's supposed to get up in the low 80's again.  We have an outdoor high school graduation party to go to today, so am glad it's not raining.  Linda in Washington  

  4. Ah now, Saturday is beautiful South of the border, your sunny weather must have drifted in our direction. :o)

    Love Sandra xxxx
