Thursday 22 February 2007

Hurricane update - 22 February

Favio has now hit land in Mozambique, causing damage to housing and infrastructure, according to this BBC report. In it, officials give some unnecessarily alarming warnings about a second cyclone, Gamede, which is supposed to strike tomorrow morning. Gamede is still 1,500 miles away in the Indian Ocean. I've contacted the BBC about this.

Favio carries winds of 100 mph, but will die out within 24 hours. Large amounts of rainfall are anticipated, but are not thought to reach the area currently affected by flooding. Tropical cyclones are relatively small but intense.

Gamede is in the Indian Ocean, as stated above, 700 miles northeast of La Reunion. This could also become an intense cyclone. Land is not immediately threatened.

1 comment:

  1. wow this was a spooky storm Guido
