Sunday 18 February 2007

Sunday 11/02/07

A very late start to the day, but at least the wind has dropped. Watch the Landward program on BBC1 at 11.30 a.m., which is full of bull. Indeed, the bull sales are on at the auction mart in Perth. Some of them fetch 17,000 guineas, that's £17,850. One guinea = £1.05. The ferry comes in at 2.45pm, unusually for a Sunday, after it had to stay overnight in Ullapoo. The website for HMS Timbertown has now been updated, and I'd recommend it for review. It is cloudy today with a bit of sunshine. Supper tonight is spaghetti bolognese. During the evening, I host the J-land chat, which was an absolute hoot.


  1. I love the 2nd picture , its absolutely gorgeous. It looks as if the very sky itself has opened up just over that bit of land. Thank you dear one for once again sharing.
    I believe I'm just about caught up now on your entries LOL!! Leave it to me to work my way back, (I never said I was normal). (Hugs) Indigo

  2. I love the second picture, too.  Really beautiful!

  3. I followed the HMS Timbertown thread and was glad to find that the poetry site was in English. Wilfred Owens poem on Futility has always been a favourite and poignant war poem to me.  I was also very moved, although I couldn not read the language on them, by the pictures of the war and of course of those destined for the death camps.  Very moving Guido.  It doesn't hurt to revisit these places just to remind us of who fought and died to help us to live as we do now.  Jeanie
