Wednesday 28 February 2007

Vitamin supplements

The debate around taking vitamin and mineral supplements took another turn today with the publication, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, of a study into the benefits or otherwise of these things.

They suggest that taking vitamins A, C and E could actually hasten your demise, rather than delay it. I'd need to read the JAMA study myself before committing myself either way, but it's my considered opinion that someone on a healthy, varied diet does not need to take supplements. The BBC carried this on their website.


  1. I've always thought as you do. It's far better to eat vitamins that your food provides than to take supplements although some people have very unhealthy diets! Jeannette xx  

  2. Isn't it crazy ... One minute they are telling us that something is good for us, and the next minute the same thing is detrimental to our health.  I guess the lesson here, like you say, is to eat a balanced diet, and let nature take care of these things herself.  Tina  

  3. I'm catching up on all my journal readings Guido hope you have been well?
    I once tried to use vitamin supplements but kept forgetting to take them as popping pills doesn't come natural to me.  A well rounded diet is the answer. Not feeding greedy pharmaceutical industries who concoct new ideas to take our money off us for the sake of our health.  (Its early I allowed a rant?)  Lol!    Jeanie

  4. I saw something about this yesterday online.  I have to agree that a healthy person with healthy eating habits shouldn't need supplements, anyway.

  5. Dear guido,
    I think that vitamin supplements work good when needed for the elderly or ill.
