Monday 12 February 2007


Regarding previous post, I omitted to express my sympathies towards friends and family of the man who died in Glencoe; apportioning blame is actually not in order from my part. It is a good thing that the rescue services are there to help those in need, irrespective of the circumstances. I should also clarify that to my knowledge, the rescued are NOT charged the costs of the operation.


  1. Prayers going out to family & friends. {{ }} Also for the Rescue Teams that help so many.

  2. I often wonder what goes through the minds of walkers as they set off on their treck.  Especially as death is a regular visitor to the mountains also at this time of year.  Thank goodness for the Rescue Services.  They are so brave to go out time after time on search and rescue operations.   They are to be admired.  Jeanie
