Saturday 3 February 2007

Bird flu

Tests have confirmed that a disease which killed 2,600 turkeys on a farm at Holton, Suffolk, is the deadly H5N1 strain. This is the variety of the virus which could potentially mutate into a form, contagious to humans. All 159,000 turkeys on the farm will now have to be destroyed. An exclusion zone has been set up, shown on map below. Holton is located 17 miles southwest of Lowestoft. More details here.

1: Scene of outbreak
All poultry to be culled
Visitors disinfected and restricted access

2: 3km Protection Zone
Poultry kept indoors and tested

3: 10km Surveillance Zone
No movement of poultry to or from area except for slaughter
Rail transport restricted to non-stopping movements
Bird fairs and markets banned
Increased surveillance of wetland areas
Domestic birds not to share water used by wild birds
Footpath restrictions likely only on free-range farms
People in towns not affected unless they keep poultry.

Source: Defra


  1. This is scary! I hope they have it all sorted.

  2. Hmmm...should we be worried this time? That`s a lot of birds.

    Sandra xx

  3. I hate to hear that.  Scary!

  4. Oh scary stuff...

    be well,
