Thursday 1 February 2007

Five minutes

So we switched all the unnecessary lights and appliances off for 5 minutes between 7.55 and 8.00pm tonight. Think we were the only ones in town. I know the people who sent me the email I relayed, and they may have had contacts elsewhere in the Hebrides and Scotland. The idea was there, the signal. You can of course switch off ALL unnecessary lights, stand-bys and appliances at any time. If only, in the case of stand-by, for safety's sake. Many's a television has gone up in flames sitting on stand-by.


  1. I read your entry ,then we had a power cut .does that count ? Jan xx

  2. Had I been able to get online earlier and had I read this-it would have been a good thing to do.That's me-day late and dollar short!!!!

  3. I can still do it. It's only 1900 here now.  I wonder how many will do it around here?  I'll find out.
