Sunday 4 February 2007


The eagle-eyed among readers will have noticed that the counter on the FlickR widget in my sidebar has jumped today from 4484 to 5638. I've now got virtually all pictures on FlickR. The counter is a wee bit out, because I have a number of private pics and it's not that accurate. On the FlickR page (that I see), it says that there are now 5,721 pictures, which about fits my own unofficial tally.

All these pics were taken since April 2005. Descriptions still need to be put on the pictures from June 2006 until the end of January 2007, with the exception of a 7 week stretch from 1 August until 19 September 2006. Apart from descriptions, I also have to add tags and put them in sets.


  1. Sounds like quite a project ahead of you, Guido!  Good luck!

  2. I wish I had time to do that too Guido! Just getting them onto CD is a big enough project for me right now! Jeannette xx  
