Wednesday 7 February 2007

Monday 05/02/07

Monday dawns cold with the odd shower. There are moves afoot to extend the Cairngorms National Park southwards into Perthshire. Snow affects roads in Aberdeenshire. In the southern hemisphere, the hurricane season continues apace. Up here, it's just plain cold: +3C. Later in the afternoon, the rain turns to sleet and snow. It's not nice going outside, and a sleetshower catches me on the way back. After supper, soup with rolls, snow falls and leaves 1 cm / ½ inch on the ground. Temperature sinks towards freezing by 10pm.


  1. Is it a bad time for me to say I was wearing shorts today?  ;-)


  2. least Amy is happy and sunny....Lol!  
    I am all for National Parks swallowing up available green belt land.  If only to stop our heritage being built upon.    We have to leave some beauty for our descendents to share.  Stay warm Guido...its 'hand blowing foot stamping'freezing, here in the Lakes...brrrr!  Jeanie
