Monday 5 February 2007

Saturday 03/02/07

Quite a nice day, in spite of an increase in cloud. Am horrified to learn that a policeman was killed at a football match in Sicily last night. All football matches in the whole of Italy are postponed indefinitely. H5N1 birdflu has struck a turkeyfarm in Suffolk, and 160,000 birds have to be culled. Exclusion zones are set up around the place, which employs 2,000. The carcasses will be destroyed at a plant in Staffordshire, 200 miles away. The Indian Ocean has a category 4 hurricane; northern Australia is threatened by two developing systems. Head into town for the papers and find the centre bombed out with kids. Supper tonight is chicken tikka massala for me and a chicken madras for mrs B, accompanied by a glass of Rivaner Black Tower wine.

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