Sunday 4 February 2007

Sunday notes

Nice sunny day, but quite a bit cooler than of late.

The authorities are working to cull 160,000 turkeys on a farm in Suffolk, where H5N1 birdflu was confirmed on Friday. An exclusion zone remains in force, but there is no cause for concern.

I was pleased to hear one of the contestants in Celebrity Big Brother, which ended a week ago, calling for the axing of the show. CBB caused controversy when alleged racist bullying took place towards a Bollywood actress from two other contestants.

On Friday, a lad of 11 decided to reenact a stunt, shown on a DVD called Jackass - the Movie. All sorts of stupid and dangerous stunts are depicted on the 18-rated film. This includes a scene where a man pours deodorant liquid over himself and puts a match to it. The boy concerned had invited a friend, who had taken the DVD from his own home and they copied the stunt. The victim was admitted to hospital in Glasgow and is no longer in danger. It does say on the DVD box not to try this at home. The boy's father has called for the disc to be banned.

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear... how could someone think they could do that!  

    be well,
