Thursday 8 February 2007

Thursday jottings

I think I'm an exception weather-wise - nice and sunny, and actually not at all cold. No snow in sight, ours has melted. I gather from the news that thousands of schools have shut all over England and Wales, with up to 4 inches / 10 cm of snow on the ground. You can keep it there.

It emerged today that the council here is aiming to relocate the landing of bulk cargoes, such as oil and gas, from the number 2 pier in the centre of town to Glumag Harbour, a few miles to the south. My UK readers will no doubt remember the massive fire at the Buncefield Depot, Herts, in December 2005. The storage tanks for oil and gas are in the centre of Stornoway. Although they have been safe there since 1969, it's only prudent to locate them outside the town's perimeter. The users, BP and Scotia Gas, are not happy to move, but I think the council is quite determined on this one.

To answer a question left in a comment to the Luskentyre video:
The Golden Road, as you will have seen on the picture of the roadsign, is a local name for the road on the eastcoast of Harris. It is named as such because it cost a million pounds to build - in the 19th century. My route took me to the west side of Harris, where Luskentyre is located, but the east coast road is circuitous and it takes an hour to drive from Tarbert to Rodel, a distance of 24 miles / 39 km.


  1. We have no snow or frost at this moment in time here in the Lakes Guido.  The skies are laden with horizon to horizon cloud cover which is blowing across from East To West, so no doubt its coming.  Jeanie

  2. Yes we have snow down here in the outer reaches of London.  Inches and inches of it.  All the schools are shut, snow men have been made and snowballs thrown - and that's just the adults.  It's supposed to be rained away tonight but then freezing fog which my hubby won't like as he works in it all night.  Can we have our sun back please.
    Jenny <><

  3. Morning! :)

  4. Good for you having sunny weather.  You say it's not cold is NOT cold to you, Guido?  

  5. I've no snow OR cold weather, so I'll take what Jeanie has.... dark ominous clouds... :)


  6. I banned snow from Brighton and last night it snowed all round us but not in the town where I am! I can see it on the South Downs behind Brighton. Glad you've got some respite from the big freeze! Jeannette xx  

  7. Here in New Jersey we're abnormally snowless, but bitter winds make it deathly cold.  Literally.  Waters rising in most places, it's a very odd beginning for 2007.  CATHY  
