Monday 5 February 2007

Tuesday 30/01/07

Not a nice day, strong winds and occasional showers. An announcement is made about a supercasino, which is to be sited in Manchester. Another 16 will be scattered across the UK. Right in the teeth of the near gale, workmen are on the roof of the Coastguard Station. Head into town at 2.45, just as the Clansman departs for Ullapool. I nip into the library, to look for a birdbook - with reference to the bird pictured in the entry for last Friday, 26 January. This week will see roadshows across the island about the proposed windfarm. The announcer on Isles FM is incapable of pronouncing the name of the village Airidhantuim - you've got to know that it's "Aree-an-hime" - and founders in a shower of giggles. Spend the evening watching Forensic Detectives.

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