Friday 9 February 2007

Alerts and Journals

Spent an hour or so going through my alerts, and linking them to actual journals. If you go to AOL Alerts, all you get is a list of journal names, there are no links. All the journals I read, including the ones not on alerts, are on Technorati, so a double-check was easily done. A few journals were discontinued, which I knew about, others had not been written in for a couple of months. I have about 125 journals on Technorati, but not all of them on alerts. I decided on a cut-back in order not to spend all day reading journals, however enjoyable that may be.


  1. I know what you mean...I have WAY too many journals on Alerts...


  2. I hope you'll still come visit my journal Guido!

  3. Hope you left my 2 main journals on your list! I love seeing your comments & the furrs like it when you comment in theirs too. LOL
    Hugs, Sugar

  4. I used to have about 125 journals on alerts but working full time I couldn't possibly read them all properly! I had to have a prune back to around 70. If I have time I do visit the ones I took off alerts, it could become a full time job though! Jeannette xx  

  5. I hope you read mine :).  I have to warn I will be going on vacation on a photo shoot to Death Valley CA next Friday for a few days.

  6. Guido, I know how getting behind on journals is. I have about 175 journals I always read and it is time consuming to read all of them.


  7. Guido
    I haven't posted in about five weeks, but will do soon.  I hope Dock Lines is still on your alerts list.

  8. I know what you mean.  As much as I would love to read every journal every day, there just aren't enough hours.  I try to rotate as best I can, but still feel like I come up short.  What's a gal to do ??? lol    Tina

  9. I can understand that fully.  I can never keep up.  I use the weekends to try and reach all the journals I normally read.  This could become a full-time job if you let it.  Chris
