Sunday 11 February 2007


The leader of the Conservative Party in the UK, David Cameron, is in the news this weekend, as it is alleged that he used cannabis whilst in school at Eton. Eton is a prestigious private school, just outside the town of Windsor, west of London.

Mr Cameron has declined to admit or deny the allegations, saying it is a private affair, and that all politicians are entitled to a private past. Several leading Conservatives have stated that they would prefer Mr Cameron to make a statement either way, to clear the air.

Whilst I am a strong supporter of privacy for figures in public life, this issue is linked to one of the major problems in society today. I agree with Mr Cameron that everybody has done things in the past that they regret now. However, whilst a lot of young people will have tried cannabis at some stage, David Cameron is now in a position that he could be Prime Minister within 5 years. I have to agree with the likes of Norman Tebbit (and it's rare for me to do so) that it's better to say "Yep, I did that, it was stupid, and I advise all young people NOT to even dabble with the stuff". Mr Cameron should get used to the idea that he now lives in a glass house. David Cameron is advised to recall what happened to the former Liberal Democrat leader, Charles Kennedy. He had a drink problem, and did not own up to it. He is alleged to have led the 2005 general election campaign for the Lib Dems either drunk or hung-over. When Mr Kennedy finally did come out in the open with it, it cost him the leadership of the party.

Just for the record, I am not a political animal, and a political statement such as above is rare for me. I make it because the subject, drug abuse, is a very prominent problem in society today.

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  1. I agree! Drug abuse is rife in our society and if public figures have done it they should be man enough to own up. Not setting a good example to young kids is he? Jeannette xx  

  2. I agree with you and Jeannette here Guido Jan xx

  3. Strange as it may sound regarding anything political, I say the truth is always the better road to chose when caught in such a situation.  Honesty.  CATHY

  4. Yes but did he inhale?  Seriously I agree with what you said.  It is bad problem and they are using some really bad drugs.  I was lucky my children never had a problem with it.


  5. I agree with you. He should admit it and advise against it.  Our Prez made an azz of himself when he said "But, I didn't inhale."  Sooooooo stupid.

  6. I agree with you Guido but I have to say that at 15 I doubt he had any idea he would be a high profile politician and I can`t imagine many young people thinking that what they do now may come back to haunt them in the future. The gift of foresight would have been very useful to the young Etonian. :o)

    Sandra xxxx
