Sunday 11 February 2007

J-land Chat

Tonight's J-land Chat was a great success, and as I'm typing it's still going on. From between the hours of 4 and 6pm EST (9 and 11pm GMT) I've compiled this log - you can read back here.


  1. DRAT !!!  I forgot all about it !   And I was home, too.  Linda in Washington state

  2. The chat was great fun!  Next month I plan to be there longer!

    be well,

  3. Guido
    I see I signed on just as the room was closing.  I couldn't get home from work in time to join in, so I was glad to be able to read your log of the event.  It looks as though all who came enjoyed the time spent together.  Thanks for sharing this log, I enjoyed reading it.  I hope to be able to one of the chats someday.

  4. Thank you so much for you imput on graphics, again.....  You helped me so much I hate that I lost all the info you sent me.  I had them all saved...  


  5. Well I'm always a day late and a dollar short. I didn't even realize there was a J-land Chat. Thanks for posting the log. Perhaps I will be able to make the next one. I was delighted to see a number of people I'm friends with their. Speaking of which out of them all no one told me hmmmm........k, yeah I know I'm still somewhat the newbie. (Hugs) Indigo

  6. I read your log.  Did you type that as you went along or later.  I got a good feel of the chat, so I am going to try to make the next one.  I did have a geat afternoon to the play.  My friend insisted I couldn't hold off on my updates forever, so went ahead and reinstalled Ex 7.  The my font size started to work again so now I can up the print size of my journal but not everyone else's which I can hardly see if they don't enlarge.  I am going to tell my favorite journalists as Tellsg to please use a largeer print size.  I won't be able to read her Mother's Memoirs at this rate.  I can barely read this comment.  I  know I can just do touch tone typing and not even bother to read.  Good training.  Thanks for all the effort.  The log was entertaining.  I read it all the way through. Your print size is very readable thnk goodness.  Gerry

  7. Thank you for all your hard work Guido.  The transcript of the chat was very interesting.   I am new to all this stuff and was unsure of what went on.  Perhaps I will pluck up courage for the next one.  Well done!   Jeanie

  8. I couldn't believe that by the time I remembered about the Chat it was long over.  I did enjoy reading your log though.  Had me  laughing a couple of times!  
    I'm so sorry I missed it.  I would love to be in the next one.  
