Monday 5 February 2007

Love Lost

It is one thing that you hate your erstwhile boyfriend. Relationships break down. But it's quite another to take it out on his innocent cat, by putting it into the washing machine. The animal died of a heart attack, after suffering burns and loss of fur. The girlfriend, a woman of 42, was given a suspended sentence, ordered to pay £300 costs and banned from keeping pets for life. The woman said she didn't realise the cat could die. More here on this page from BBC Wales.


  1. How stupid can she be ?  To think that wouldn't harm the cat in someway, blows my mind. Somebody ought to put her in a washing machine.  She needs to do about 5 years community service in an animal shelte, so she can get a better understanding of animals. Linda in Washington state

  2. I hate hearing things like this Guido, some people are so sick they deserve to be locked up. Jeannette xx  

  3. This story broke my heart.  It is hard to imagine someone being that cruel to an animal.

  4. The woman got off too easy!  Didn't realise the cat could die?  I hope this lady never has any children!
