Monday 5 February 2007

Note from Sugar

I'm taking the liberty of copying a note that Sugar sent to Joyce - and the news is not bad.

Please let all know I am doing some better, still have my alerts off, only reading email, ecards, & comments from my journals...but hope to back in a few  days. Tell everyone how grateful I am for their warm wishes & prayers. {{{{ }}}}
Can't sit up for very long, wanted to update you that I'm still alive & still at home with the furrs! :)
God Bless, Sugar


  1. I feel so bad for Sugar, she should have gone in to hospital like her doctor wanted but her family, who she lives with, wouldn't look after her dogs. How could a son treat his mother like that?Jeannette xx  

  2. I know Sugar appreciates everyones prayers.
    I sent her an email this morning, awaiting the answers back on how she is doing today...thanks Guido...take care.
