Saturday 10 February 2007


Found this useful article on the BBC website about passwords. Bearing mind most of us have to remember 20 passwords, and that is increasing, there must be ways of storing them safely. There are plenty of folk out there who are trying to hack into our various accounts for their own reasons. Read more here.


  1. Interesting article, Guido.  I imagine, in time, encrypting will be used commonly.  We use it at work.  The only problem I foresee is that hackers will be able to barrel through encrypting also.  Scary.  Chris

  2. Yes, the hazards increase with the aging.  Good Lord, we keep getting off the wrong floors on the elevators and try to get into apartments not our own and wonder why the key won't fit.  I forgot my password to my atm once after having it for atleast 5 years.  I tried every combination but never did remember it again.  I put litle notes to myself in tiny writng in my address book.    Gerry
