Saturday 10 February 2007

Saturday jottings

A near-gale blowing up here in the islands, with a temperature of barely 4C. Feeling very, very cold in other words. Snow is moving up through the Highlands, but not expected to reach here. Although we're 250 miles north of Glasgow, the Isle of Lewis is surrounded by the relatively mild Atlantic, which is a moderating influence. The mountains are battered by 60 mph winds with blizzards. Not a good day to be out and about.

Remember the containership Napoli, which was beached off Devon? Work on removing her cargo has been halted until after the weekend, on account of the bad weather that has now moved in. Daily updates are provided on the Coastguard website.


  1. We had high winds earlier this morning Guido along with sleet and rain.   For now its sleet.  Stay close to the fire and keep warm today.  We've got the log burner on as well as the central heating.....Brrrr!

  2. Understandable about the halting of removing the cargo...hope the weather changes for the better soon...have a great weekend.
