Sunday 25 June 2006

Commercial breakdowns

I am going to have a rant here.


I have access to Sky Television, with upwards of 500 channels. And every 10 to 15 minutes your program will be interrupted by a commercial break. Now, one or two ads are nice, and actually enjoyable. The vast majority are (deliberately) annoying, stupid or sometimes offensive.

Afternoon TV is interspersed with endless ads for loan companies. Would you imagine the amount of misery people are in because of debt? I recently learned of a chap who had 13 credit cards. Not to mention store cards, loyalty cards and what have you. Plugging one hole with another, extortionate interest rates (30, 40 even 50%) and with a financial commitment of 25 years or what have you.

In the UK, we have a group of channels who all seem to be sponsored by an on-line casino. Again, there is a huge problem in this country with gambling addicts, yet these ads carry on unrelentingly. But then, look at the length of time it took to get tobacco advertisements off radio, TV, newspapers and finally Formula 1 motor racing.

Ads for alcohol products seems to have slipped the lead of "we support responsible drinking". Well, I know that each consumer has their own responsibility with regards their alcohol habits, and driving (or preferably not, afterwards). Doesn't mean we have to continue to plug them, does it. For a start, it gives a very bad example to young folk.

Nonetheless, what really makes me howl with laughter are those advertisements which says that a product is NEW and/or IMPROVED. So, you have a new type of washing powder. What you've been using for years is now suddenly a waste of money and totally useless, is it? Come off it.

Right, back to Sky Television. Less than 10 channels do not carry ads, all BBC offspring. But whether these are actually worth my £120 annual license fee? I don't think so.

End of rant.


  1. Enjoyed your rant,many valid points here ,so am I to throw away my washing powder  in favour of some fresh new stuff, tomorrow ?lol ...........Jan xx

  2. Over here in th US we have commercials every 10 mins I think (or less) on reg TV, those with Cable or one of the many Direct, such as Satellite make out much commercials on the premium channels & cable type channels, only on the local ones they watch. I don't have the $ for it, so I watch the reg every few min commercials! LOL

  3. One of the reasons I got rid of my TV was the adverts on it. I found a lot of programmes highly offensive too, I can't tolerate bad language so the TV had to go, I've never missed it and I laugh at people who are always moaning about lack of good programmes but they sit and watch it night after night! Jeannette xx  
