Wednesday 14 June 2006

Monday 12/06/06

Sunny start to the day, with just a few clouds. Over in the US, Tropical Storm (TS) Alberto has pepped up to a strong feature, with winds strengthening  to 70 mph, 4 mph short of hurricane status. Mrs B's granddaughter is with us today, as she is off sick from school. I help her with an essay on life in a medieval castle. A few other visitors come to call as well. After lunch, the initially bright weather closes in. At 3.30, the first of a series of heavy showers falls. The wind strengthens to force 7, with force 9 gusts. Mrs B cooks hotchpotch for me and does very well. At 8pm, I venture out again to the Coastguard Station to take pictures of the wild conditions. Such a contrast to yesterday. Temperature plummeted from 18C at 3pm to 14C at 4pm, with the start of the rain. A couple of guests fail to materialise, although they booked ages ago. The wind eases as the evening ends.

1 comment:

  1. Our weather changes so quickly over here, it was cold out today after a few days of hot sunshine! Jeannette xx  
