Tuesday 6 February 2007

Iolaire Disaster

As some may know, I did a little research into a shipwreck that took place 2 miles south of Stornoway in January 1919. Some 205 sailors drowned when the admiralty yacht Iolaire foundered. I have compiled a list of names, and placed it on the Internet, as part of a webpage, dedicated to this tragedy. Every now and again, a story comes up, and this one is particularly poignant.

They all are.

My grandmother was due to marry William Head that very day. She was there wating for him.She gave birth to my mother six months later. Her life and my mother's life would have been very different if he had survived. I wondered whether it was a story, but his name is there (201). Thank you, We shall visit some time.


  1. A sombre place to visit Guido but thank you for keeping their memories alive by helping to develop this memorial site and dedicating it to them.  Some of them in the pictures were only laddies....what an awful frightening way to go.  God Bless their souls.   They live on in this place as well ,I'm sure, in their families memories.  Jeanie

  2. Tragic tale, but a splendid job on the memorial!!!  -  

  3. Oh.. how sad!!!

    be well,
